Nathan Steffenson's blog

Brainerd High School Graduation 2017

Cars on the way to be parked in the grass were going through and damaging the North Star Apartments lower parking lot curb even though there was still room in the lot below it.
Looked like not very many from the audience car pooled or walked(other than from where they had parked).
A teacher speaking repeatedly used a word that I've personally worked at not using and that I've told students not to use.

Crow Wing Attorney suit

The attorney Ryan has discriminated against people that have a disability and discriminates against people receiving public assistance (which is sometimes forced on people that have a disability) bringing forward civil court cases. Now he is being greedy making the crow wing county board change its budget.

amazing site

Since I took on a 2nd job I don't always have a camera on me, so I thought I would attempt to say what I seen in words. My dad would sometimes tease about bringing a canoe on a bike. A couple of Weeks ago (Wednesday November 2 2016) I seen a man on a bicycle with a trailer that had a canoe full of packs on the sidewalk going past the courthouse in Brainerd.

Picking apart democracy in Crow Wing County

I think the Crow Wing County board has made a mistake to get rid of elected offices. The offices now appointed will be the auditor and treasurer.
The auditor handles the elections, and now won't even be elected.
I don't think it matters that they are not "policy makers". The role of these offices is very important to our democracy especially since the auditor handles the voting.

If they want to save money they could turn off the fake bells or save money by using sprinkler system less or by saving energy other ways.


My view, not anyone elses.

Do I think we should have a gas tax increase?

Do I think a gas tax is regressive?
No, I think having gasoline is a bit of a luxury/addiction, especially when someone uses too much of it. Also gas tax goes directly to it's purpose of maintaining highways, so vehicles can stay in better shape.

Bottled Water

Recently I seen on Lakeland PTV that Bemidji State University student government decided to recommend banning sale of bottled water on campus.

I think the intent is good, however there can be unforeseen consequences.
I use filtered water instead of bottled water most of the time. The water from the faucet is usually as good a quality as bottled water anyway. It has less waste. Less transporting of water and bottles. Less weight to carry.


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